Branngass (F200-F600)
- 400°C / 2 timer
- Størrelse Ø200 – Ø630
- Horisontal utblåsning
- Luftmengder opp til 24.000 m3/h
- Statisk trykk opp til 800 Pa
- Driftstemperatur -25°C +120°C
Branngass (F200-F600)/TakvifterLes merCHT
- 400°C / 2 timer
- Størrelse Ø200 – Ø630
- Vertikalt utblåsning
- Luftmengder opp til 24.000 m3/h
- Statisk trykk opp til 800 Pa
- Driftstemperatur -25°C +120°C
Branngass (F200-F600)/TakvifterLes merCVT
- Construction completely free of thermal bridges.
- 60 mm thick refrigerated sandwich panel sides made of two pre-coated steel sheets on the outside and inside with a high-density polyurethane (PUR) core.
- 60 mm thick cover filled with high-density polyurethane (PUR), made of galvanised sheet metal and coated on the outside.
- Adapter socket (or skirting) for correct and easy installation on the roof.
- Air permeability CLASS 4 (UNE-EN 12207).
- Impermeability against driving rain CLASS E 1350 (UNE-EN 12208).
- Resistance to high wind load.
- Thermal resistance of the assembly less than 0.39 W/m2·K.
Opening system:
- Motorised opening arm, with encapsulated IP65 mechanism.
- Supply voltage at 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
- System reinforced and guaranteed with more than 20,000 cycles.
- Limit switches in both positions (open and closed).
- Snow load SL 1000.
- Automatic opening by external signal from the control system (fire panel, smoke detector …). Control systems not included in the equipment.
- An extremely robust structure that is able to withstand severe weather changes.
- Maintenance switches for actuator and fan disconnection with auxiliary contacts.
- Approved as a whole in accordance with standard EN 12101-3.
- Tubular casing in sheet steel with polyester resin anti-corrosive treatment.
- Adjustable cast aluminum impeller.
- Shielded power cable with EMC protection.
- Class H motors for S1 continuous operation and S2 emergency use. With ball bearings and IP55 protection.
- IE3 efficiency motors.
- Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to 3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers greater than 3 kW).
- Maximum temperature of air to be carried: S1 -25 ºC +40 ºC continuous service, also suitable for warm climates with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2 operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
- Motors can be regulated by frequency inverter, even in an emergency.
- Anti-corrosion cover made of galvanised sheet steel coated in RAL 7015.
- Aluminium profiles RAL 7015.
- Side panels RAL 7015.
On request:
- Motorised opening arm with supply voltage of 24 V DC.
- Exterior coated in any colour from the RAL chart.
- Customised finishes.
Branngass (F200-F600)/TakvifterLes merHATCH/HP
- Support base in painted galvanized steel sheet.
- Adjustable cast aluminum impeller.
- Protection grid against contacts according to UNE-EN ISO 12499.
- Cap in painted galvanized steel sheet, with natural air outlet. Approval according to EN 12101-3, with certifications No. 0370-CPR-0544 (F400) and 0370-CPR-3073 (F300).
- Class H motors for S1 continuous operation and S2 emergency use. With ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or 2 speeds, depending on model.
- Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
- Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to 3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers greater than 3 kW).
- Maximum temperature of air to be carried: S1 -25 ºC +40 ºC continuous service, also suitable for warm climates with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2 operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
- Anti-corrosive finish in polyester resin, polymerised at 190 ºC, after degreasing with phosphate-free nanotechnology treatment.
Branngass (F200-F600)/TakvifterLes merHTMF
- 300°C / 2 timer
- 400°C / 2 timer
- Størrelse Ø400 – Ø1250
- Luftmengder opp til 130.000 m3/h
- Statisk trykk opp til 800 Pa
- Iht EN 12101-3
- Integrerte blafrespjeld
Branngass (F200-F600)/TakvifterLes merTHT ROOF